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Wednesday 23 May 2012

Green Tea for a Healthy Lifestyle

At a time when people are looking for different ways to lose weight and stay healthy, one great recommendation would be consumption of green tea. The best green tea has been use as a great weight losing technique as well as a fantastic health drink for many years owing to its medicinal properties. It is said that green tea leaves, especially a popular type in Darjeeling tea not only supports in your weight loss program, but also helps you lead a healthy lifestyle. 

 Origins and Background
Green Tea – a kind of Darjeeling tea is prepared by steaming fresh tea leaves at a higher temperature. This retains a significant part of the nutritional and enzymes elements. It can be consumed three to four times in Asian countries.
One can brew it by using 1 to 2 teaspoons of the dried tea in a cup of boiling water. It can also be steeped for 3 to 7 minutes. These days you can also get it in the capsule form.

Green Tea for Weight Loss

The biggest benefits of green Darjeeling tea is that it results in weight loss as it contains an ingredient called polyphenols that helps in dissolving the triglyceride deposits in the body that leads to excessive fat storage. Therefore, it accelerates weight loss by increasing the metabolic rate which in turn benefits from exercising regimes.
Some people assume that green tea is caffeine free, however, this isn't true. Traditional green tea leaves is about half the caffeine of regular tea but can vary depending on concentration.
Other benefits

The best green tea stimulates the muscle cells and liver that gives increased energy. Green tea also has an endurance power and one can be energized for longer durations without being exhausted. It is healthy to consume green tea as it makes your skin glow, gives you the natural energy to work and ushers some kind of positivity in your attitude.
To get the best green variety tea from Darjeeling and other kind of Darjeeling tea at a great price point, visit:


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