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Monday 13 August 2012

Darjeeling Black Tea—Enjoy the Mystique

Darjeeling Black Tea is to tea connoisseurs, what champagne is to the French—exquisite in taste and flavor. It’s nutty muscatel flavor and marked astringent taste makes it the most celebrated and expensive tea in the world. Its unique flavor and aroma is best discernable without milk or sugar and is a refreshing beverage that soothes and uplifts your spirits at any time.

darjeeling tea

The black tea, supreme, of Darjeeling is plucked from the delicate tea plant Camellia Sinensis. Not only does it satisfy the senses with its flowery astringent taste, but has mind-blowing health benefits too. Darjeeling tea was first planted in this hilly region close to the Himalayas, by a certain Dr. Campbell.

The conditions here proved perfect for this distinct variety of black tea and the government invested in what is now known as your favorite cuppa globally—yes Darjeeling Black Tea, like the little black dress, is a must-have cup for the royal or the peasant, at least once a day.

Before this delicious tea comes to rejuvenate you every morning, it has to be processed through a number of steps:

  • The tender young leaves are handpicked and then withered for 14-16 hours till they are 100% oxidized.

  • The leaves have to be rolled next, with the use of machines and then fermented for 2-3 hours.

  • Finally the leaves have to be graded according to size after first drying them for 20 to 30 minutes.

The curative properties of Darjeeling Tea have been extolled for centuries and medical research has corroborated these ancient truths. The first thing about this magical beverage is that it is made in boiled water and hence is safe to drink.

Drinking black tea from Darjeeling can give you a Zen-like focus, very calming for the nerves. It can improve dental health and prevent Alzheimer’s disease. Black tea has properties that can help allergies, inflammations and even prevent cancer because it contains the antioxidants theaflavins and thearubigins.

Therefore, when next you relax with a hot cup of fragrant Darjeeling tea, drink it in happily and healthfully as well. 

For more information visit the website:


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